

  1. EMNLP Findings
    Promoting Constructive Deliberation: Reframing for Receptiveness
    Gauri Kambhatla, Matthew Lease, and Ashwin Rajadesingan
    Findings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2024


  1. ACL Findings
    Quantifying Train-Evaluation Overlap with Nearest Neighbors
    Gauri Kambhatla, Thuy Nguyen, and Eunsol Choi
    Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023


  1. FAccT
    Surfacing Racial Stereotypes Through Identity Portrayal
    Gauri Kambhatla, Ian Stewart, and Rada Mihalcea
    ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2022


  1. EvoMUSART
    Chord Embeddings: Analyzing What They Capture and Their Role for Next Chord Prediction and Artist Attribute Prediction
    Allison Lahnala, Gauri Kambhatla, Jiajun Peng, Matthew Whitehead, Gillian Minnehan, Eric Guldan, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Anıl Çamcı, and Rada Mihalcea
    Proceedings of Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design - 10th International Conference, EvoMUSART, 2021
  2. TOCHI
    PLIERS: A Process that Integrates User-Centered Methods into Programming Language Design
    Michael Coblenz, Gauri Kambhatla, Paulette Koronkevich, Jenna L. Wise, Celeste Barnaby, Joshua Sunshine, Jonathan Aldrich, and Brad A. Myers
    ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 2021


    A Pilot Study of the Safety and Usability of the Obsidian Blockchain Programming Language
    Gauri Kambhatla, Michael Coblenz, Reed Oei, Joshua Sunshine, Brad Myers, and Jonathan Aldrich
    PLATEAU Workshop, 2019